Friday, May 7, 2010

Weekday Barbeque

Our family are barbeque fans. Not sure I know many people who aren't. But when the weather gets anything above arctic, we take out the barbeque and cook al fresco.
There is something about the casual and relaxed style of cooking that appeals to us. Declan takes up his position at the BBQ completing the Holy Trinity of Man, Fire & Meat. He is a pro, even my Dad says so. The torch has been handed down.

This is a picture of last nights dinner. It was a little chilly but still sunny and I was really craving some sunny flavours. The meat consisted of homemade chicken burgers. (recipe is in an older post) and sausages. I made potato wedges and guacamole and put together a tomato salad and a plate of leaves. The two sauces are lime mayo and sundried tomato mayo.

The guacamole is just two avocados mashed with a mixture of lemon juice and lime juice and a little salt.

The wedges are chopped and coated well in olive oil and sprinkled with salt. They are lovely with some rosemary sprigs scattered on them, but my rosemary plant was decimated in the snow and frost, so I had to forego that addition. You bake them at 200 c for about 20-30 minutes in a baking tray. You need to move them around a few times while cooking to stop them sticking and to brown all over.

The mayonnaises are just mayo with lime juice and the other is mixed with Sacla sundried tomato paste. This is also a lovely dip for crisps and crudites.

I chopped the baby tomatoes and sprinkled them with salt and pepper and drizzled with olive oil.

Nothing complicated there at all. It is the ultimate fast food. The burgers freeze well so I would suggest making double the amount any time you are making them and freezing half.

The kids ate everything. Daniel was not convinced about the advocado but put some on his burger to try it. Went down well. I don't add chili to my guacamole, I love it as it is. This would put the kids off, they are still a little nervous of anything too hot.

I will post a list of salads to serve at a barbeque soon, there are a few real reliables, and they keep well, so they are not wasteful.

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